Root Canal Treatment – Denton, TX
Saving Your Teeth From Infection
A root canal is a common dental procedure that dentists perform when a dentistry patient has an infected tooth. Despite the frequency and the relative ease with which this treatment can be completed—thanks in large part to advancements in dental technology and anesthesia—there are still many people who fear a root canal more than they fear the consequences of having a tooth that is infected. Dr. Dunson and his dentistry team at Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry would like to dispel that fear with some facts about a root canal treatment in Denton, TX.
Why Choose Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for Root Canal Treatment?
- Experienced, Caring Dental Experts
- Calming Sedation Available
- Comfortable, Modern Dental Office
A Root Canal is Pain-Free, not Painful
Contrary to popular belief, a root canal is not painful. First of all, Dr. Dunson delivers a measured amount of numbing medication to the tooth and surrounding gum tissue, so you don’t feel anything during the procedure. Secondly, a root canal is intended to eliminate the pain that is commonly caused by an infected tooth.
How Does a Tooth Become Infected?
Normally, the interior of a tooth—called the pulp chamber—is inaccessible. However, if a tooth succumbs to decay or severe damage, then bacteria may have an entryway to this chamber and the attached root canals.
Running up through the canals and into the chamber are each tooth’s blood, lymph, and nerve tissue. As the infection spreads, this tissue begins to die, and the area becomes inflamed. The consequential pain can be quite severe. Other signs that may indicate the need for a root canal include:
- Swelling on the side of your face or swollen neck glands
- A tooth that is extremely sensitive when biting or when eating hot or cold foods and beverages
- A small sore on the gum tissue near the infected tooth
- Fever and a general feeling of malaise
Treating an Infected Tooth
With confirmation from a digital X-ray that shows the infection, Denton root canal dentist Dr. Dunson will begin treatment to repair your smile. A small access hole is drilled into the crown of the tooth, and then delicate hand instruments are used to clean out the infection, any accompanying debris, and the contents of the pulp chamber and root canals.
Once cleansed and disinfected, the space is filled with a biocompatible, rubbery substance called gutta-percha. The access hole is sealed, and the tooth is finally prepared for a permanent dental crown. Dr. Dunson may also prescribe an oral antibiotic to ensure the complete eradication of the infection.
After a couple of weeks, you’ll return to Southridge Dental Family & Cosmetic Dentistry to have the permanent crown attached to the tooth. With the added strength of a crown, your tooth is once again able to function normally.
If you have a toothache or any other symptoms of tooth infection, don’t delay treatment with root canal therapy. Contact our dental office today to schedule an appointment!